Santa’s Spirit Sprint
1 Mile Walk / 1 Mile Run / 5K Walk / 5K Run
The Annual Santa’s Sprint is a 1 mile, point-to-point racing event that raises money for needy children during Christmas. Starting this year, the event will also have a 5K Walk & Run as a second event.
All money, donations, gift cards, and donations collected is used to purchase gifts, clothes, toys, and much more off of the kids’ Christmas Wish Lists. a boy and a girl from the Elementary-, Middle-, and High School levels plus any siblings and any special requests. In 2017, we filled the Wish Lists of 24 less-fortunate children in the area. Your participation helps us do this.

All participants receive a ceramic-fired Christmas ornament, glow sticks, and jingle bells for their shoes. Participants are encouraged to dress up in the holiday spirit and to stick around for the parade immediately after the awards. They are also eligible for door prizes and to win one of over 110 beautifully hand-crafted Christmas trophies!